Oladusu Adenike gives a keynote address at Schauspiel Stuttgart
Gertrude Kenyangi of SWAGEN Uganda and mentor of the International Women’s Empowerment (IWE) program of WECF International, spoke on June 24 at a side event organized by ACORD International during the 1st United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA).
In this speech, Ms. Moleketi gives highlights from a UN Report that detailed the interplay of the rule of law and economics and advocates for combining poverty reduction and governance approaches. It states that the legal underpinnings of entrepreneurship, employment, and market interaction are often taken for granted by traditional approaches to development and standard […]
This Keynote Address was made at the Free Trade at the Crossroads: Examining the Past Lessons for the Future, Conference organised by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, November 18 – 20, 2014 at Warwick Barsey Hotel, Brussels https://www.rosalux.de/fileadmin/rls_uploads/pdfs/Ausland/Afrika/Nalunga_-_The_EU-USA_TTIP.pdf