By Elizabeth Maina
This panel explores the reasons why tax justice is critical to the fulfilment of the right to education, and indeed to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 4. The presentations outline some of the challenges different developing country governments face in adequately financing essential public services, such as education. They also look at ways in […]
The study focuses the review of the linkages between gender, energy and child mortality in developing regions of Africa, Asia, Latin America where child mortality is high and gender and energy are developmental issues.
This paper focuses on the socio-cultural dimensions that influence and shape gender equity in terms of to and benefits from access to modern energy.
This case study draws on a PhD which used an ethnographic approach in data collection and analysis. It is informed by extensive periods of observation and interviews by the researcher embedded in two villages, Cutwini and Tsilitwa in rural South Africa.
This background paper has been commissioned as a contribution to the preparation of the World Development Report 2012 which will focus on development and gender equality. It is a companion paper to two other papers which examine gender issues in relation to common property resources and economic dimensions of gender and energy.
Debates on the nexus between energy and development emphasize that access to modern energy carriers such as electricity improve development outcomes. This paper discusses the impacts of electrification on educational outcomes, gender and power relations, income generation, feelings of inclusion and exclusion and health in the village of Tsilitwa in the rural Eastern Cape, South […]