Joyce Bayande Mbongo Endeley
Professor of Agricultural Extension education and Gender Studies in the Department of Women and Gender Studies, University of Buea (UB). Hold a doctorate degree from Ohio State University, Columbus. Higher education employee since 1982 engaged in the following duties: teaching, research and community outreach works. Areas of research interests are: gender and agricultural development, and engendering development policy, programme and project in diverse fields as well as building capacity of development practitioners in field of gender-responsive development. Administratively, she has served in top management positions in UB as Deputy-Vice Chancellor, Director of academic Affairs, Vice-Dean, and Pioneer Head of Department of Women and Gender Studies and Director of the Higher Teachers’ Training College. She has done consultancy for GOs and NGOs at national and international levels (e.g. UN organisations/agencies, Commonwealth Secretariat/CFTC, British Council, IDRC, Sassakawa-Global 2000, CIDA, IDEP (UN/ECA, EU/EM/Intra-ACP projects, etc); won grants and participated in several conferences, workshops & training across the globe; supervised doctorate and master’s theses and dissertations as well as authored and co-authored of several publications including books; for example “The Social Impact of the Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline: How Industrial development Affects Gender Relations, Land Tenure, and Local Culture”, published by The Edwin Mellen Press (2007).