Inequalities in Global Finance and Gender: Economic Responses to Covid-19

Covid-19 is exacerbating social and economic inequalities across the world. Developing countries face particularly severe constraints to economic policy-making. There has been a dramatic reversal of capital flows in the wake of the pandemic and many developing countries have experienced currency depreciation as well as severe debt and liquidity problems. As fiscal spaces have become constrained, activists, academics, and policy-makers are calling for debt moratoria, debt relief and IMF support. At the same time, feminist economists across the world have been pointing to the fact that COVID-19 also exacerbates gender inequalities, because of the uneven impact of the lockdown on women. This webinar brings these two perspectives together to unpack the economic and financial consequences of the pandemic on developing economies and women in developing economies in particular. This will also open a discussion on what kinds of policies at the global and domestic level are necessary to address the challenges developing countries, and in particular women in developing countries, face.

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