Our Knowledge Portal

Our Knowledge Portal

The Nawi Knowledge Portal is an open access repository that features for multi themed research outputs and knowledge products. We aim to amplify the work of African women working to demystify the space of macroeconomic policy from a Pan African feminist to the widest possible audience. This information is provided for non-profit making purposes.

Thematic Area

All 4th Industrial Revolution Africa's structural transformation Agriculture Aid Aid, Africa's Structural Transformation Budgets Budgets, Privatisation Budgets, Women's labour Budgets,Privatisation Climate Change COVID-19 COVID-19, Eco-feminism COVID-19, Monetary Policy COVID-19, Tax COVID-19, Women's labour Debt Eco feminism Eco feminism, Extractives Energy Extractives Extractives, Women's Labour Financialisation Fourth Industrial Revolution Gender Issues Inequality Militarisation Militarisation, 4th Industrial Revolution, Debt, Extractives Monetary Policy Movement Building Multilateral Institutions Privatisation Privatisation of Public Services and Goods Privatisation of public services and goods, women's labour Social protection Tax The 4th Industrial Revolution Trade Women’s formal employment Women’s Labour


The Nawi Knowledge Portal is an open access repository that features for multi themed research outputs and knowledge products. We aim to amplify the work of African women working to demystify the space of macroeconomic policy from a Pan African feminist to the widest possible audience. This information is provided for non-profit making purposes.

Gender and Trade Overview Report

TYPE : Publication

THEME : Trade

Author: Zo Randriamaro

This report points to the crucial need to ensure that trade liberalisation does not undermine women’s rights and poor people’s livelihoods, and supports the gender equality agenda. First and foremost, this requires the explicit recognition of women’s contribution to the economy through both their productive and their unpaid reproductive work. By: Zo Randriamaro Read more

Aug 16, 2006

Gender in International Agricultural Trade Agreements: A Kenyan Synopsis

TYPE : Paper

THEME : Women’s Labour

Author: Mary Njeri Kinyanjui

This publication contains a series of presentations and discussions, which prevail upon a general introduction and assessment of trade viz a viz gender to illuminate and sensitize the public at large and particularly those working on gender issues. Thereafter, the presentations embark on a more intensive discussion of the specific international agricultural trade agreements that […]

Jul 12, 2006

Governance and its implications for gender inequalities in the jua kali economy in Nairobi

TYPE : Paper

THEME : Women’s Labour

Author: Mary Njeri Kinyanjui

Gender inequalities and limited life chances for women in the jua kali economy are key governance challenges for the Kenyan government in its Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation. Consequently, there is need for the government to come up with strategies that will address gender inequalities and subsequent limited life chances for women […]

Jul 04, 2006

“If it Doesn’t fit on the Blue Square it’s Out!”: An Open Letter to my Donor Friend

TYPE : Publication

THEME : Financialisation

Author: Everjoice Win

This book chapter critiques the unequal relationships between Northern donors and organisations in Africa. It is written in the form of a letter by an activist to her friend who was once a volunteer in the activist’s organisation in Zimbabwe and now works in a donor organisation. By: Everjoice Win Read more

May 16, 2004

Gender inequalities in manufacturing : a case study of food-processing and the textiles and garment industries in Ghana

TYPE : Paper

THEME : Women’s Labour

Author: Francess Dufie Azumah

Gender inequality is deeply entrenched in society. This continues to restrict women’s opportunities in life and has also been widely seen as an obstacle to economic development. Wage employment is seen as important mechanism for empowering women, and also conferring benefits on the family and society as a whole. This thesis examines patterns of inequality […]

Dec 12, 2003

Cotonou and the WTO: Can Europes trade agenda deliver a just partnership with developing countries

TYPE : Book Chapter

THEME : Trade

Author: Nancy Kachingwe & Alastair Fraser

This chapter discusses the Cotonou Agreement (2000) and its impact on future trading relations between members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group of countries and the European Union (EU) By: Nancy Kachingwe & Alastair Fraser Read more

Sep 27, 2003

A Gender Analysis of Small Scale Garment Producers’ Response to Market Liberalisation in Kenya

TYPE : Paper

THEME : Africa's structural transformation

Author: Mary Njeri Kinyanjui

This paper explores the effect of the Structural Adjustment Programmes on small scale garment producers in Kenya By: Mary Njeri Kinyanjui Read more

Aug 16, 2003

Gender Mainstreaming in the Multilateral Trading System: A handbook for policymakers and other stakeholders

TYPE : Publication

THEME : Trade

Author: Mariama Williams

This handbook provides an integrated framework for a sustainable, pro-poor and gender-sensitive approach to trade policy-making. A major part of the silence around gender, trade and investment at the level of governance of the trading system would appear to be a lack of understanding of the conceptual, empirical and policy links between gender and trade. […]

Jan 01, 2003

Structural adjustment programmes and the informal sector : the Nigerian case of Jos women

TYPE : Paper

THEME : Africa's structural transformation

Author: Agatha Ifeyinwa Nnazor

This dissertation describes and analyzes the impact of Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) on the Jos women in the informal sector, as well as the strategies women adopt to ensure the survival of their businesses and families. Studies that have investigated the impact of SAP on women in the informal sector tend to take a rather […]

Dec 16, 1999

Effects of Structural Adjustment, Global Policy Forum

TYPE : Article

THEME : Africa's structural transformation

Author: Dzodzi Tsikata

Economic policy and development issues, particularly Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) have dominated African women’s concerns because they have been implicated in the rise of poverty, especially of women, in Africa. SAPs, designed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB), have been the framework for economic and social policy in most of […]

Nov 23, 1995