Dr. Basani Baloyi joins Prof. Gabriel Palma, Basani Baloyi and Neva Makgetla in a webinar titled Economic inequality: A binding constraint. A coherent strategy for the South African economy requires a response to one of its foremost challenges – that of economic inequality. For decades, South Africa has had the highest reported level of income inequality in the world. Yet a multitude of studies demonstrate that unusually unequal societies generally see slower and less consistent growth. Understanding the factors that reproduce inequality globally and in South Africa, and how they affect access to economic resources and opportunities as well as the prospects for sustained development, is critical for establishing appropriate responses. In this context, it is important to explore the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on inequality to ensure that the reconstruction strategy helps overcome economic and social divisions as well as accelerating economic growth. Dr. Baloyi speaks from 1.12:19.