By Elizabeth Maina
Uganda's tax on social media will widen the digital gender gap
The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether female workers’ years of education do mediate the influence of gender diversity on innovative capability of enterprises in Nigeria.
This book describes Africa’s position within the current industrial global setting and analyses the recent performance of African manufacturing relative to that of other developing regions. It stresses the rapidly changing technological challenges faced by African economies and Africa’s poor response to the threats posed by other developing regions such as East Asia. This analysis […]
Mainstream studies on innovation consider innovation processes as necessarily driven by expenditures on formal R&D and the input of engineers and scientists with third-level degrees. This bias in the literature has led to the view that micro- and small enterprises (MSEs), which constitute the majority of Africa’s enterprise base, are non-innovative. Building on an existing […]
Innovation drives long-term economic growth. It has a crucial role to play as global economies recover from the current financial crisis. This book examines the role of innovation in developing countries, with a focus on Africa. It investigates innovation systems and their application; the key role of knowledge in innovation for development; and the importance […]
A discussion about how the act of imagining can be a tool for social justice