By NAWI Collective
This publication contains a series of presentations and discussions, which prevail upon a general introduction and assessment of trade viz a viz gender to illuminate and sensitize the public at large and particularly those working on gender issues. Thereafter, the presentations embark on a more intensive discussion of the specific international agricultural trade agreements that […]
Gender inequalities and limited life chances for women in the jua kali economy are key governance challenges for the Kenyan government in its Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation. Consequently, there is need for the government to come up with strategies that will address gender inequalities and subsequent limited life chances for women […]
Gender inequality is deeply entrenched in society. This continues to restrict women’s opportunities in life and has also been widely seen as an obstacle to economic development. Wage employment is seen as important mechanism for empowering women, and also conferring benefits on the family and society as a whole. This thesis examines patterns of inequality […]
This paper focuses on the gender dimension of the land and indigenization debate in order to illustrate the problems relating to aggregated claims to land rights, as well as the potential and actual threats to sustainability, efficiency, and productivity which such analyses pose for the livelihood of poor rural and urban women in Zimbabwe. By: […]
This paper focused on action-oriented research to highlight women’s economic contribution and their decision-making roles By: Wanjiku Kabira Read more