Ms. Farouk is of the opinion that South Africa’s dependence on fossil fuels and nuclear energy will prevent them from engaging with the rapidly changing economies of the North, as the 21st century unfolds.
The author relates her experience bringing up “uncomfortable” topics in discussions about internet infrastructure and policy
Despite having the highest growth in internet penetration across the globe, Africa remains the only continent whose digital gender gap has widened since 2013. According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the proportion of women using the internet is a quarter less than the proportion of men using the internet in Africa.
In the coming years, many will be watching to see whether mobile network operators will manage to retain the 2.8 million new mobile money subscribers with affordable fees.
Thabi Leoka encourages South Africa to embrace the 4th Industrial Revolution in a bid to grow the struggling South African economy.
The author discusses access and inclusion in a world that is increasingly going online